Coming back from the summer holidays i found myself ready to use the skills i had learnt from year one, i feel i am improving with each project i get and my work is becoming more proffesional. With this project it had made me realise i prefer designing ready to wear clothing better. In year one having a succesful Lolita dress chosen it had given me confidence in my work but with this project i found it is easy to lack confidence when you not inspired by your work. I think my drawing skills have come along way comparing them to the beginning of year one and my personal style is starting to show.
I have also found a good work routine this year and feel like i have took my time. I felt with previous projects i would focus on certain areas and woulf rush the end product. I have began to research more widely rather than just using the internet or magazine. I found the research part of the project easier by widening my sources to books and visiting the library more. I feel more disciplined this year and i feel like my next project is going to be some of my best work but i also feel like i need to be more creative in my designs. I am pleased with the final outcome of my project with certain areas i know can be improved which i will take onto my next module.